Chico Evening Republican Women are preparing for our next Bunco Night event, which will be taking place at the Chico Grange on Nord Avenue on September 5, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Our club held the first Bunco Night event last Spring, it was well attended, and so popular we had guests and club members asking us to do it again. We will have snacks and refreshments, as well as wonderful prizes.
Our first Bunco Night had about 25 attendees, so we are hoping to have an even larger group this time. Bunco is an easy, peasy game to learn. You’ll easily learn it within a few rounds. You sit across from a partner and roll the dice to come up with the highest score possible. Once the bell rings, the winners at each table advance toward the head table, while those who did not win remain at their table and one of the players moves over so that both players at the table now have new partners.
This means you’ll play the game with different people throughout the evening, which makes for a really FUN mixer, and you’ll get a chance to get to know almost everyone in the room. And somehow, partnering up with new people for each round is the great equalizer. You can purchase tickets by visiting the event page here >>