2025 Membership Application

Membership Includes:

  • Twelve no-host dinner meetings per year, featuring topical speakers, Republican office holders, or candidates addressing current issues.
  • Membership in Golden State Republican Women (GSRW), a statewide Republican women’s organization chartered by the California Republican Party (CAGOP).
  • Monthly email featuring club information, CERW and GSRW events, conservative articles, legislative updates/alerts and opportunities to volunteer and get involved.
  • Regular updates on local and national political activities and elections.
  • Opportunities for seminars, Zoom webinars, conferences and conventions to gain information and knowledge of principles and practices of the Republican Party, as well as get to know other women in leadership in the Republican Party.
  • Information and opportunities to volunteer for election work, election integrity, fundraisers and club sponsored community service activities.

NOTE:  Type your name in the same on the form as you do on the credit card – otherwise it won’t work.

You can also print the PDF Version of our Membership Application & mail it in with a check to Chico Evening Republican Women, 2499 Bruce Road, Chico CA 95928.

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Fill out this simple online form to join with your $40 membership fee, renew for $37 a year, or purchase an Associate Membership for $25 a year.

Memberships paid after September 15th will pay for the upcoming year.


Gift Membership

Full Name


Type of Membership
Registered Republican
Must be registered Republican to be a member
Regular member of another Republican women's club?

Tell us which areas you are interested in volunteering:
