About Chico Evening Republican Women

Chico Evening Republican Women – GSRW was founded in early 2022 in Chico, California.  CERW members must be registered to vote as Republicans.  We plan to support our county areas to educate and promote the Republican Party in our county and city.  Become a member today!

A GSRW Allied Club

In 2023 Chico Evening Republican Women – GSRW were one of 18 Founding Clubs in the new Golden State Republican Women (GSRW).  GSRW is a new, statewide women’s alliance of independent clubs.  Chartered by the CAGOP, GSRW are shown in our booth at the CAGOP 2023 Convention in Burlingame, CA.

Join Us for a Meeting

Chico Evening Republican Women meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at The Golden Beaver, 2420 Park Avenue, Chico, CA.  We meet at 5:30 for cocktails before beginning our 6:00 meeting, which includes a short business meeting, dinner break until 6:30 p.m., with a featured speaker or speakers on various topics of interest to the CERW members.

Planning, Working, Republican

During the 2024-2025 term we will be focused on registering Republicans to vote, educating the public about issues of importance to Republicans, being supportive of our local Republican officials, and supporting conservative parents and children at local school board meetings.  The shirt on the young man pictured above says, “Leave Our Kids Alone”.  We agree!

Chico Evening Republican Women is a GSRW Club

In 2023 Chico Evening Republican Women were one of 18 Founding Clubs in the new Golden State Republican Women (GSRW).  GSRW is a new, statewide women’s alliance of independent clubs, and Chartered by the California Republican Party in October, 2023.

CERW Mission Statement



Outstanding speakers at monthly meetings, Award winning monthly newsletter, emails updating members on current political issues and other publications.


Staffs offices and campaign headquarters for Republican candidates.  Participates in Precinct walks, get-out-the-vote efforts, phone banks and other activities that promote Republican candidates.


Participates at setting up voter registration tables at public locations and events.