Candidate Forum October 3rd

Candidate Forum October 3rd

Chico Evening Republican Women held a 2024 Candidate Forum with two candidates for Chico City Council and two candidates for the Chico Unified School District Trustee positions that are opening at the end of this year.  The meeting was well attended and it was a relaxed atmosphere, where the candidates were free to speak their minds, the membership were really interested to hear what they had to say, and the food and drink were wonderful, as always.

Each candidate was handed the microphone and spoke for 15 minutes, with a 5 minute question and answer period to follow.  Our members were especially keen on hearing about the issues with the school board, and had quite an opportunity to question the school board candidates.  We were very impressed with all four of the candidates we heard from and wish them luck in their campaigns.

The next meeting of Chico Evening Republican Women will take place November 7, 2024, right after the election, so we hope all four of the candidate that attended our Candidate Forum will be elected to office.