New Logo for Chico Evening Republican Women

New Logo for Chico Evening Republican Women

Chico Evening Republican Women just released the new logo for the club!  It features a rendition of an oak tree, in a nod to the famous Hooker Oak of Chico, and a red, white, and blue ribbon tied around the trunk of the tree.  For the younger people reading this, there was a famous song in the 70s called “Tie a Yellow Ribbon ‘Round the Old Oak Tree” in which the person who had been long away writes to say, “If you still want me, then tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree”.

Since then that imagery has been special in the hearts of military veterans and their families, because they want to come home and be welcomed.  For this reason, the ribbon tied around the oak tree on our logo is very heartfelt.

We went through about 20 renditions of the logo, hammering out ideas, rejecting mock-ups, and probably driving the designer crazy, until we came up with something all are happy with.  Now that is what we call team work!  We worked together and our board members came up with the wonderful ideas we integrated into the new design.  A special thank you to our Board of Directors for their time!